
"Then the man went off and began to proclaim in the Decapolis what Jesus had done for him; and all were amazed"(Mark 5:20).

As I grow older, I find myself choosing words from the chronicles of my parents' vocabulary. "Wherewithal" is one my Mom often used, and though it seems a bit outdated, I figure it must be a pretty good word. Lately, I use her word in prayer, because asking God for the wherewithal to do His Will means He'll give me the grace to carry it out. It ensures that I'll receive His best for me first, even though it's not always what I would ask for. Ultimately, I find myself in a place of peace, where I'm certain He wants me to be for the good of His Kingdom. This conviction brings me joy beyond words - His reward to me for my surrender.

Surrender is never without pain, but it's a hurdle we must clear if we want to be healed, as the man with the unclean spirit learns in St. Mark's Gospel. Once he gives in to Jesus' healing, he also receives the necessary means to publicize what Jesus has done for him. On his own, all he can do is cry out and bruise himself with stones, but when he realizes he's been healed by the Son of God, his faith grows and he pleads with Jesus to stay with him. That's what happens to us when we acknowledge the healing hand of Christ - we're able to assert our faith without fear because we know that He's right there with us, giving us the wherewithal to do it.



god is love


sharing our conversion