god is love
"Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in Him." (1 John 4:16).
Once we get to know God, we spend more of our time in awe of Him, adoring Him, talking to Him, crying to Him—loving Him. But do we ever think about how this constant worship is delighting Him?
Continuously holding God in the highest regard pleases Him and draws Him near to us as St. John points out in his writings. When we devote ourselves in this way, we remain in His love. Imagine God being impassioned to love us back so fervently, and us filling the same, exclusive place in His heart!
The meaning in St. John’s message doesn't stop there. He describes how, when we keep on loving God, loving our neighbor will come as naturally as God loving us. "If we love one another, God remains in us, and His love is brought to perfection in us" (1 John 4:12).
St. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, understood love—how to love and be loved, because he knew God who "is love." That's why his words are so passionate. When we too come to know how much God loves us, our hearts will grow for Him—and His for us! Indeed, God loves us anyway, but St. John makes it clear that love works both ways.