sharing our conversion

As I write today's reflection in the bright Florida sunshine, I think about my family and friends in Michigan and wish they were here to share the joys of my Winter vacation with me.  We often wish to share our good news with those we love.

In tomorrow's Sunday Liturgy of the Word, Andrew is so excited when he sees Jesus for the first time, he goes to find his brother Simon Peter to share his good news and bring him to Jesus.

Like Andrew, when we experience something extraordinary, we want to share it with those we care for. We'd have no problem telling our loved ones about our sunny vacation. Why is it then, when we find Jesus and come to know the joy of having Him in our lives, we often find it difficult to share the experience with them?

Maybe we're putting too much into it.  John spoke only a few words to Andrew, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" (John 1:36)  Andrew spoke only a brief phrase to his brother Simon Peter, "We have found the Messiah!" (John 1:41)

Jesus asks that I send this simple postcard home to say, "The weather is beautiful. Wish you were here."






local eucharistic revival