you’re invited!

"My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?" (Matthew 22:12)

In His wedding feast parable, Jesus talks about our invitation to dine with Him in eternity. His Father has already prepared a place for us, but the choice to accept it is ours.

Jesus even counsels us on what to wear: a wedding garment. How will we appear as we walk in the door to such a magnificent feast? How will Jesus see us? Will He see us in an acceptable garment, or stained with unconfessed sins, anger and guilt? Will we wish we had worn something more suitable? If we had known the occasion would be so glorious, we might have done more to get ready!

And what if we've rejected Jesus' invitation and refused to come to the banquet - imagine our sorrow.

This parable gives us a chance to respond to Christ's invitation with a resounding "Yes!" and to clothe ourselves in a garment fit for the final and everlasting feast.

"Tell those invited: 'Behold, I have prepared my banquet'" (Matthew 22:4).


Reminder:  Today, August 22 is the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary



you can’t take it with you


everyone’s mother