the gift of priests

Today August 4, we receive a special blessing from the Church as it remembers the patron saint of parish priests, John Vianney, who by the 150th anniversary of his death, inspired Pope Benedict XVI to establish 2009-2010 as the "Year for Priests."

Also known as the Curé of Ars, John Vianney's endless preachings, good works, sacrifices and prayers stirred countless conversions in and around his assigned parish in Ars, France in the early 1800's. His greatest gift was his deep humility, and although he was well loved by the people, he disliked praise and remained profoundly humble throughout his life.

The holy Curé of Ars taught us that we'd receive everything we ask for, if only we'd ask with an honest, pure heart and living faith.

In today's Gospel, St. Peter shows his faith in the face of fear as he gets out of the boat and walks on the water toward Jesus, but when he sees how strong the wind is, his faith begins to sink – and so does he! "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30) At once, Jesus reaches out His hand and catches Peter, but then questions the fullness of his faith, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31)

What a gift we have in the faith-filled examples of Ss. Peter and John Vianney, who help our parish priests stay close to the truth of the Gospel so they can assist us when we come upon frightening, stormy waters and guide us safely into the hands of the most humble High Priest, our Lord.



never, ever give up on hope


love is but a song we sing