the gift of family

Each year for the past many so Christmases, a special Nativity set has sat under our Christmas tree. I'd been searching for the perfect one since I was married over 40 years ago, but never found one that suited my heart, and since my mother knows precisely my taste, was also on the lookout for just the right one.

The day she found it, it was Summertime. She excitedly called to tell me how she'd come across it at a garage sale for just $2.00. She knew the moment she saw it that I'd love it and couldn't wait for me to see it. She was right. The next time I visited, I was thrilled as she carefully pulled the manger and each statuette out of the box. Although it was daylight, we plugged in the cord and together admired each of the Italian-made figurines the little bulb was illuminating. It was a special moment between us, and our hearts leapt for joy like the child in Elizabeth's womb when Mary greeted her.

Later that year when the Christmas season arrived, I couldn't wait to set it up. It was an old set, but well preserved; similar to the one I'd grown up with. Whoever owned it previously had kept it intact, but now, for reasons unknown to me, could no longer carry on their tradition. So I was doing it for them, and would see to it that their joy would be shared with new Christmas visitors. My last task was to hook the angel carrying the banner, "Gloria" onto the tiny nail at the top of the roof. I plugged in the light, and my heart leapt for joy all over again.

As guests would look in at our Christmas tree, they'd each have a different, but wondrous reaction as their eyes reached my "new/old" manger. One quietly gasped and another drew near and gazed into the welcoming glow the little bulb was giving as it streamed light onto the three Wise Men who never stopped seeking Jesus the way I never stopped seeking what is now the most significant part of my Christmas. I was pleased for the wonder of my guests and silently prayed for them the way Elizabeth did when Mary greeted her, "Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled." (Luke 1:45)

I especially remember the reaction of a friend who, unable to call to mind the name, "Holy Family," asked me, "Is that the 'Loving Family'?"

"Yes," I answered. "It is."

Blessed Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph!



let’s stretch farther


sing to the lord!