something extra
A colored egg peeked out from its hiding place under a snow-covered shrub and caught my eye today. I wondered how long it would take for someone to find the undiscovered Easter treasure.
What undiscovered treasure did we leave behind this Easter? One can easily be found in the Gospels of St. John, where he teaches us to observe something more. What more could there be than Christ's glorious resurrection?
Our resurrection!
St. John's writing reminds us that Jesus paved the way so we'd have something extra to celebrate on Easter Sunday. Just as Christ is risen and lives forever, so will we who believe, "I shall raise him on the last day." (John 6:40).
Jesus meant for all of us to find this Eastertide treasure so that each year when we come to His celebrated feast, we may hark back to the good news, "That everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life." (John 6:40)