settlement authority

Every now and then we put our foot in our mouth and say something foolish, which we later regret.

Then later it dawns on us we might have offended the other person with our thoughtlessness. So, when the shoe's on the other foot, we must remind ourselves that people don't deliberately set out to hurt us and that their tactless comments are almost certainly as unintentional as our own.

Sometimes though, when we're stressed or angry and won't see another's point of view, we may knowingly say something cutting. We walk away and leave them licking a wound we inflicted. This must be straightened out immediately, Jesus teaches in today's Gospel, "Settle with your opponent quickly" (Matthew 5:25).

It takes real humility to say we're sorry. But if we expect to be forgiven, we must forgive. And if we expect Jesus to hear our prayers, we must do what He taught His disciples, and approach Him with righteousness. We must always take the initiative in making peace. "If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift" (Matthew 5:23-24).

'Keep your heart in peace and let nothing trouble you, not even your faults. You must humble yourself and amend them peacefully, without being discouraged or cast down, for God's dwelling is in peace.' - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Blessed Lent!



lenten tribute


naturally and spiritually