secret to the kingdom of heaven

"To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?" (Luke 13:20)

There's a brilliant saying - you might have heard it, "Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present." It's a strong reminder that when I pray, it's in the present moment that I encounter God, not in the concerns of my yesterdays or tomorrows, but in my "today."

The Catechism has its own compelling section on "Today" as it relates to Christian prayer. "Prayer in the events of each day and each moment is one of the secrets of the Kingdom." (Catechism Para. 2660)

We must bring prayer into our everyday circumstances, because all forms of prayer, even the most simple and direct, can be the leaven to which Jesus compares the Kingdom. In today's Gospel of Luke, Jesus compares the Kingdom to a small amount of yeast that, when mixed into a large amount of dough, affects the entire batch.

The potential for prayer exists in every moment of our lives, no matter what we're doing.  God offers us His Spirit at all times, but we must allow Him to help make prayer rise up in us like dough to yeast, so we can experience His Kingdom as He permeates our entire being with His Glory.



he wants us to get it


hidden failures