no doubt
"Why does this generation seek a sign?" (Mark 8:12)
"Why?" we answer back. Why should we believe in Your kindness when You allow the world to suffer?
Lent begins this week, and despite the mix of heartache and joy that will accompany the faithful, they'll hold tightly to their belief without asking God why He allows suffering - especially His Son's. They'll accept as true what they cannot see, cannot touch, cannot fully comprehend.
Faith is a supernatural gift from God to us, but in the next forty days, many will doubt because they won't receive mighty wonders and signs, despite their fasting and prayers. How God reveals Himself to us is uniquely ours and is a part of His gift. Our gift back to Him is our complete trust in His ways, whether we receive a wondrous sign or not. In return, He deepens our faith with understanding and we begin to receive all we ask for because we stop asking with misgivings but with the Wisdom He so faithfully gives us.
"Do not cling to spiritual consolation, for it is not lasting; on the contrary, seek God by faith, and remember that He has a right to our love no less when He tries us than when He consoles us."
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Blessed Lent!