he’s my brother
Imagine you're the one who relays the message to Jesus that His mother and close relatives are waiting outside the crowds to speak to Him. No doubt you'd be flabbergasted by Jesus' response, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" (Mark 3:33).
Jesus wasn't turning His back on His relatives. He was teaching that to be His disciple means saying yes to God's invitation to belong to His family by living in conformity with His way of life: "For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother" (Mark 3:35). Family ties are vital, but as Christians, our first vocation is to follow Jesus.
Many people aren't a part of an earthly family and at times feel they're without a friend in the world. But when we live in friendship with Jesus, our family circle grows to millions as we become part of the spiritual union with everyone in Heaven who served God faithfully while on earth, and those on earth who live in His friendship along with us.
Today's Gospel promises that if everyone were to draw near to Jesus, there'd be no more loneliness in the world, for He not only becomes our truest of friends, but our brother, sharing with us the same loving Father in Heaven.