here’s how much you are loved

"Lifting His eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed, "I pray for those who will believe in me" (John 17:20).

Comprehending God's enormous love for us isn't easy, but St. John helps us understand a good measure of it in today's Gospel Reading, where he presents us with the amazing prayer of Jesus to His Father. What tender words Jesus prayed on our behalf!

If you want to know Jesus more intimately, allow St. John to share more of Jesus' beautiful prayer with you, where His love for us shines through so clearly.

This is how much Jesus loves us: knowing He had only hours until His arrest, Jesus prayed for what He desired most - that we all believe in Him as one, and that we believe His Father loves us just as much as Him!  ". . . that the world might believe that you loved them, even as you loved me" (John 17:23).

Jesus spent one of His last precious days praying desperately for you and me, exposing His beautiful heart to His Father that we may know the extent to which we are loved, "Father, they are your gift to me." (John 17:24)


Oh, how we are loved.  Be amazed with me!



she loves her flowers, but not in vases


how well do you know your god?