do angels really exist?

"In the presence of the angels, I will sing your praise" (Psalm 138:1-2ab).

Do angels really exist?

Some of us need to see where it says so in the Bible, while others simply believe. Either way, when we ask God to show us His truth, He leads us to it, but then we must commit ourselves to what He reveals.

Through His Church, Christ reveals that Sacred Scripture is as clear as Tradition: the existence of angels is a truth of faith. (Catechism, Para. 328)  Holy Mother Church honors the spiritual beings who both help her and protect us whenever we call to them.

Today's Psalm of a Grateful Heart reminds us to thank God daily for His powerful messengers and protectors, because He sends them to us out of His steadfast love and kindness. God's angels are real, but we can only accept them by submitting freely to His Word, because its truth is guaranteed by Him, who is Truth.

"Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life." (Catechism, Para. 336; St. Basil, Adv. Eunomium III, 1: PG 29, 656B)

Ever this day, be at my side.



love = joy!


seek him in his beauty