come, holy spirit
At a Solemn Mass I attended late last year for the Feast of Mary, the priest suggested we each take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Gospel he was about to read. I felt a sense of hope as I silently began to pray the Holy Spirit prayer I know well, "Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest. Come with Thy grace and Heavenly aid, to fill the hearts which Thou hast made."
Thinking there'd be only a moment for our private petitions, I hastily finished my prayer, but when the priest's pause went on, I looked up and saw that he was quietly mouthing the same prayer, but unhurriedly, drawing in each word then slowly resting in it, as if to allure the Holy Spirit into his heart.
I had forgotten the incident until I sat down to write this and realized I was just now receiving the understanding I had prayed for that day. Prayer, I learned, must be taught to us, and our Teacher of prayer is the Holy Spirit. "The Holy Spirit teaches us to pray through Sacred Scripture, the liturgy of the Church and the virtues of faith, hope and charity. (Catechism Paragraphs 2661-2662)
So in truth, the priest's suggestion wasn't only an act of hope, but an invitation by the Church to invoke our Master Teacher of prayer, the Spirit of grace within us.