childlike wonder
As a child I could hardly wait until Christmas morning to see if Santa left what he and I had "specially" discussed.
Sometimes my longed-for gift would be waiting under the tree, but not always. Yet Christmases were never a disappointment as there was always another reason to look ahead with excitement to Christmas Day. Even my most treasured gift would be forgotten as my Dad would take the Holy Bible off the shelf and bring it to the dinner table. Instead of the usual grace prayer, He'd read the story of the little child who was born under a star in a manger just for me.
Jesus reminds us in today's Gospel that as adults we must again become like little children if we're to see what the eyes of the "blessed" see - that which the Father wishes to reveal to us, "You have revealed them to the childlike." (Luke 10:21)
In this Advent season, may we prepare ourselves to let the Little Child Jesus reign as the forefront of all of our celebrations, so that the mystery of Christmas may be fulfilled in us.